Just playing around and testing out my zoom lens.
And really, after the recent time shift followed by grey days on end...or so it feels...I think this may be the brightest object around.
Three things can not be long hidden; the sun, the moon, and the truth.
Very cool shot!!!
Love this shot, and the quotes! I know a lot of people are feeling a bit down from the lack of sunshine; hopefully we'll have more soon. The moon has definitely been gorgeous the past couple of days... unfortunately, it's only peeked out for a bit and then hid behind the clouds. It needs to stay out long enough for me to get a photo. :)
it is beautiful.
Neat shot and I love both of the quotes! I hope you get some sunshine soon! :)
It has been pretty dull out since the time change. Great shot of the moon.
I LOVE this photo and the beautiful quote! What size lens did you get?
Stunning . . . so glad i stopped by for a visit.
Lovely moon . . . perfect words . . .
Really lovely!
Yup... the moon is bright and your image is cool. :)
Oh Andrea it is so beautiful and your quote is so true:) Hug B
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