
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

giving thanks

Just when my camera card was overflowing, a computer virus attacked, stumping my IT guy for days. It's worth noting friends, because in ten years, nothing has ever stumped him for more than a day or two. This time we were ridiculously close to measuring our downtime in weeks. I may have even browsed for a new computer for myself. Imagine shopping for hockey gear when you've never once watched the game; a futile effort if ever there was one.

But here I am and since I'm prone to disappearing for a week or so, every now and then, likely no one thought much was amiss; but all the same, I'm not overly crazy about discussing Thanksgiving when all that's left is the turkey soup. I considered pretending I'm American and posting this in another month. There's a good chance I could get away with it too; my grandmother was born south of the 49th after all. No, you say? Hmph. Well, truth is, I've always thought the Canadian version arrives too early and the American, just a little too close to Christmas for my liking. So how about a Can-American Thanksgiving celebrated each year at the end of October? It's grey, damp and cold but the warmth of the fire embraces you and the harvest is closer to being done than it was two weeks before and a merrier celebration I dare you to find when a few more weeks of harvesting is a fait accompli. What's that you say? The end of October is taken by All Hallow's Eve? When was the last time you saw trick or treaters running from farmhouse to farmhouse?

I thought so.

Oh! And giving thanks for a meal harvested mostly by our own hands or someone else loca-lee, a warm, sunny afternoon walk in the woods with the Twins and my IT guy....obviously.

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Lynn Blaylock said...

Your pics are vivid and beautiful. Glad everything is back on track for ya!

Lynn Blaylock said...
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Nancy said...

I agree about the holidays being too close together... after Halloween, it's just a blur. :)

Lynne said...

Gorgeous pics Andrea . . . those twins are growing up FAST!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Andrea I love the way your mind works and your finger on the shutter button:) Incredible shots. I think a merged Thanksgiving would be wonderful:)
Glad you had it figured out. There is much to be thankful in this world. HUGS B

TexWisGirl said...

well, i enjoyed your inbetweener thanksgiving. :)

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

I'm all in for the Can-American Thanksgiving... and since our family is a mishmosh of Can and Am we'll fit right in! Although my Canadian mother-in-law says the American Thanksgiving is how the folks in British Columbia know when to put up their outdoor Christmas lights...


PS And you're right, no trick or treaters come to my farm either...

Nicki said...

We've had our share of computer and other home ailments recently so I can relate. My vote would be for Thanksgiving to be a week or two earlier as well.

Judy said...

I totally would love a Can-American Thanksgiving, ours is WAY to close to Christmas for my liking. I wouldn't mind it in October and skip Halloween all together (not my favorite holiday).
Love your photos.

Genny said...

Gorgeous photos. I'm glad you were able to fix your computer so I could read this delightful post. I LOVE Thanksgiving no matter when it is.

Anonymous said...

Love that porch with the autumn deco...

Jessica said...

Gorgeous photos! Glad your IT guy was able to get you up and running again. :) Happy Thanksgiving! (And I'm all in for the Can-Am turkey day... we need to do some holiday rearranging, spread them out a bit more!)

Michelle said...

These pictures are really superb. Glad to hear you have your computer issues worked out!