Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This or That Thursday: Colours of Spring

Funny thing about spring. If you blink, you'll miss it. Or perhaps if you're in a somber mood, it will pass you by like nobody's business. And if I've learned anything in the last few weeks, you never know when a spring might hold the finality of something you hold dear in its grasp.

Beauty is in the eye of those who take notice.

I've also learned that bad things happen...every single day....everywhere. And, just when a bitterness was trying to fill me with anger and fear, a wise friend reminded me we each have the choice to make our world beautiful and I realized, for me, there is no other choice.

Beauty is everywhere, even around the old yellow farmhouse this spring where it seems we're ripe with shades of white, green and pink and we're full up to our chins in glamour, mother nature style.

It leaves me grateful for the kind words of friends...thank you...and it reminds me.

It is still a beautiful world.


Sharing with:
Favourite Things
Little Things ~ HomeAcre Hop
Rurality Blog Hop


  1. Yes indeed . . . isn't it splendid we can choose to see the light, sounds, color, texture of springtime . . . reminding us, what a wonderful world . . .

  2. Bleeding hearts are one of my favorites! Great shots!

  3. Oh Andrea it is a beautiful world and we cannot let those bad things or people take that away from us. You do have a very wise friend. HUGS B

  4. I love every word written here. They are wise and true words. I believe that it is good and healthy to pause to grieve our hurts and sufferings. And yet, we have to keep looking for the good, and giving thanks for those things, moments, and people.

  5. Beautiful! And such lovely thoughts to go with the photos! I loved this. Hope to see you again.

  6. Each year I wish Spring would pack a huge suitcase and stay for the Summer!

  7. It IS a beautiful world and your photos are the perfect reminder. Food for the soul--thanks!

  8. Thank you for the reminder to look for the beauty in our everyday lives. :)

  9. Wise words today. There are so many harsh things in life. Every.Day. Always best to take the path of the positive.

  10. You have some lovely witnesses to Spring - gorgeous Bleeding Hearts, curl of a fern and that tulip - beautiful! In all the horrible you can find in this world, there is still hope and faith and potential, and nature reminds us of that on a daily basis.

  11. Indeed, your shots are uplifting♫ Thanks for sharing♥ My Rurality:

  12. It certainly is a beautiful world, even when people make it not seem so. Thanks for sharing the beauty of your farm with us. :)

  13. oh I'm so jealous of all the lovelies in your yard!

  14. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing at the HomeAcre Hop. Please come back and see us this week:


Thank you so much for stopping by the old farmhouse!