
Monday, June 11, 2012

Chicken Catch Up

Not to be confused with chicken cacciatore.

Miss me? Wait...don't answer that. 

May and September around this old farmhouse seem to plum do me in. 
So much to do, wrapped around both ends of a job. 
Let's just say nobody is happy around here until the garden is in.
But it's all good....cause it's in!

I thought perhaps this week we could spend some time getting reacquainted.
Our 'New Hampshire' chicks are three weeks old now and they moved out to the coop to join the rest of the flock over the weekend. I use the term New Hampshire loosely, all four of them have different colouring and it will be interesting as we continue to watch their plumage fill out.
Our chicks from our first incubator hatch are now seven weeks old! They're growing like proverbial weeds; some are almost as big as Laurie who's a full three weeks older, and they have all surpassed the Barred Rocks in size.
The Barred Rocks, sigh... my sweet little birds. They are so timid and docile compared to the Chanteclers. So much so that I seriously considered switching to raising this breed. We had one rooster out of our five little chicks that we had surreptitiously picked up at the poultry swap but we lost him during a very hot day. I cried and I seriously doubted my ability to raise any other kind of farm animal if I couldn't get over losing a chicken but life around a farm goes on whether you'd like it to or not. Oddly, I take comfort in that.
Eli. Eli.Eli. He still crows up a storm. I find myself rushing out to the coop in the morning just to quieten him up for a few minutes. Scratch works wonders when you want a quiet rooster.

Now take a good, close look at those tail feathers of his. Those lovely green iridescent tail feathers that shimmer in the sunlight. Now take a look at Laurie below and tell me do you see what I see?
I do believe, our first born here at the old farmhouse is a he!

~Be well friends!~


 then, she {snapped}


Chrissy said...

Your chickens are beautiful! Ours are about five weeks now and you're right - watching their different shades of color (as well as their personalities) develop has been so fun!

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

I'm sorry to hear about the Barred Rock rooster...losing animals is always so hard; they become such a part of our lives.

Eli's coloring is worthy of a portrait by The Artist! He has a classic, farm rooster look that's just beautiful! And we're looking forward to seeing more of Laurie...I think your instincts are correct! -Mary

TexWisGirl said...

eli is incredibly handsome.

Gone Country said...

I love chickens and your images put a smile on my face!

I hope to one day breed my own chicks and ducklings.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Beautiful chickens,
I love the photos
aren't they so handsome?

Happy Monday

x Fiona

Moments and Impressions said...

My grandma had chickens and I would love to have some. It was always so much fun and I learned so much helping take care of them. Yours are so pretty.

Unknown said...

Wow, that is one handsome rooster.

And I'm pretty sure I've never typed THAT in a comment before! ;-P

Lynne said...

Just maybe . . . Just maybe . . .

vintage grey said...

Such beautiful chickens you have! Of course Eli is always so handsome! Have a lovely week! xo Heather

jean said...

So sorry you lost your rooster. Yep, looks like you got a he in the last photo.

Melissa said...

Congrats on getting your garden in!

Your chicks all look beautiful and that rooster...oh man, he is GORGEOUS!

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

Love the barred rocks...those stripes are fabulous!

And I "get" what you're saying about being busy.... I'm almost looking forward to the end of October so that I can catch a breath!


PS and yes, I do miss you :)

Vintage Country Girl said...

Your chickens are beautiful. I thought I had heard Barred Rocks aren't very good egg least the ones we used to that true?

Debbie @DewdropGables said...

Look at the colouring on Eli!! He's so beautiful!! (is it ok to say a male is beautiful?? grin)
Love your pictures of your chickens. We have 6 layers, new this year, a variety of breeds...and I love them! They are so calm compared to the Rhode Island Reds we had last time.

deb duty said...

i enjoyed catching up this morning. The video below of the chick hatching was amazing! I've never seen that before. And the first two lines of this post made me really laugh out loud! I hope your chickens are doing well.

Flat Creek Farm said...

I think you're right! Your chickens truly are gorgeous! -Tammy

Unknown said...

Thought of you today and just wondering where you've been. Hope all is well. :)

Bianca said...

Just read on Misha's blog you had to say goodbey to a loved member of your family; Whiskers.
I just wanted you and your family give some words of comfort, but honestly, I don't know what to say. Sadly I know all to well what it does to you losing such a sweet and loved cat. What an emptiness such a small sweety can leave is overwhelming. I hope you will feel better soon, having lots of good memories of her. Misha posted a picture of her and she had the most beautiful eyes with eyeliner it seems...
I wish you all the best in these hard times.
Bianca (mom of four feline boys)

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea. Just stopped over from Misha's blog and wanted to say I'm soooo sorry about your kitty. Sending a big warm hug to you and the family as you grieve this loss. xox

Lynne said...

Andrea . . . Visited Misha this morning and once again she brought me back to think of you and the loss you and the family are feeling for Whiskers. Thoughts of caing are being sent to each of you with hugs too . . .

Anke said...

Andrea, I just read on Misha's blog about Whiskers. I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to your furry friend. Thinking about you...

Deb said...

Dropping by from Misha's blog. I wanted you to know that I understand your loss and the grief of losing a beloved cat is heart-breaking.
I have been through this and I can tell you that in time, your memories will bring a smile to your face and your heart will heal. Whiskers was one of the 'lucky cats' with a loving home and a happy life. What more could a cat want? I send you a hug from Ontario,Canada. Deb

TexWisGirl said...

i'm sorry for the loss of your sweet kitty. :(

rosedel said...

I'm here from Misha's blog. So sorry that you have lost your kitty friend. It is such a hard thing to go through.
Give yourselves time to work through it.

Girl Tornado said...

Andrea, SOOOO sorry about Whiskers. I know how hard it is to lose our dear sweet pets - they are a part of our family. My heart and lots of hugs goes out to you and your family. I know that life does go on, but some of the animals we lose seem to take a little chunk out of our hearts. I know this for a fact. :-(


P.S. Your chickens are beautiful, and as the hurt when you lost your rooster, I'm familiar with that hurt also - I lost a friendly barred rock rooster to some illness I believe, and then we lost our sweet Ameraucana hen, Midge, this past summer, due to the heat. It's never easy to lose them - even if I do try to adopt the "farmer" mentality!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I have missed your incredible photos and you life on the homestead stories. Hugs. B