
Thursday, April 26, 2012

This or That Thursday: The N-O-T-L eDition


Unless you're from Southwestern Ontario, you likely have no idea
what N-O-T-L stands for but fear not, for after today, you will know
its meaning and should you ever need to pretend, in a pinch, that you're
from these woods, you'll have an arsenal of lingo in your back pocket.
Niagara On The Lake
There's your arsenal. Lesson finished. I could be popping a mini quiz at any moment so study up.
N-O-T-L, next door to 'Da Fallz' is the non-touristy part of the Niagara area; well it used to be but it could be more touristy than the big cliff next door but unless you're in downtown N-O-T-L, you might not even realize you're in a tourist trap because it's so pretty! There are vineyards among vineyards, growing grapes for some of the finest wines in the world. Its unique geographic location lends this trendy spot to be a little slice of heaven in my own backyard.
The Artist and I were there on the weekend as we shopped for the small orchard we're creating here at the old farmhouse. The sights were beautiful, I think you'd agree. Among all its splendour, one can find nurseries, fruit orchards, greenhouses and barns. 

Which might just be the best of all because, really, we all love a good barn, don't we?

~Be well friends~

Thursday Favorite Things

Mrs Stephanie T


Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

Oh, I could move into that barn...the stone foundation is so beautiful! And yep...we've been to NOTL years and years ago. We stayed at the Pillar and Post (don't know if it's still around.) It's such a lovely place. I still remember huge hanging baskets of the prettiest flowers along the town streets. Sigh...thanks for the nice reminder. -Mary

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Beautiful pictures! And no, I had no clue what NOTL was before now!

Lynne said...

N-O-T-L . . . I want to go there . . . Love words . . . "never be afraid of our tears . . ."

Tamar SB said...

Oh do I want to visit here now! Love love love that first picture!

Anonymous said...

I love that barn! I've partaken in a Prince Edward County wine tour(I'm a County Girl) and it allows you to see some of the nicer barns in the area as well. It also ensures you're not able to drive by midday, but well worth it!! Christina

carol l mckenna said...

Excellent photography and such a beautiful place ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

betty-NZ said...

I have my pencil and I'm ready for the pop quiz :) Lovely photos of a place I'd love to explore.

Jenni said...

I am getting an education looks so pretty there and I really love your barn photo. Beautiful Spring.

tiarastantrums said...

it looks like such a lovely place to visit!

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, I do indeed like a good barn! And I like the rest of your photos too. :)

Unknown said...

So pretty, what I fun week you must be having!

Anonymous said...

A most excellent barn Andrea! :)

Dan said...

'N'on the Lake is indeed a splendid area to visit and your lovely photo's provide a glimpse of it wholesome goodness.

Evelyn S. said... fabulous all these images are! I am especially in love with the window reflection one! Beautiful contrasting colors! NOTL is truly a wonderful area to visit, especially with a camera.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...


I would love to visit that area - a secret beautiful place.

AWESOME BARN - dreamy!!!!

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

I KNOW you had to have had a great time there! When I visited last February we went to Niagara on the Lake and did do the touristy shopping... what a cute little town. (Although I only purchased a bead for my bracelet to remind me of my trip to the Niagara region).

We also visited two wineries. Not being a wine drinker I wasn't sure if I'd like it (or what to expect) but it was fun and very informational! One tour focused on the growing of grapes and the vines and the other focused more on the production of wine... and I actually found out I don't mind wine so much after all :)

I'd love to come back and see that area in the spring or summer months but I must say, it was beautiful in February with all that snow!


Jeannelle said...

Beautiful photo work!

Anonymous said...

Each one is a beautiful shot!

Nancy said...

I'll know the answer to the trivia question now! What a beautiful place -- look forward to your orchard tales. :)

Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursday this week. xoxo

Danielle S said...

That barn is just so lovely!

Coming to you from Katherine's Favorite Things Blog Hop.

Danielle from Royalegacy

Anonymous said...

beautiful window reflection pic

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

I love a good barn, definitely :) :) Oh, a friend once posted a pic of Niagara falls from the early 20th century. I think it was the only year that the falls actually froze. It's really interesting. In any case, that was random,but your post made me think of that ;) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :) :) :)

Gone Country said...

Beautiful images!

Looks like a neat place.

I've been to Niagara Falls both American and Canadian sides but have never hear of NOTL. Next time I'm up that way I would love to check it out. (I just have to remember to bring my passport!)

vintage grey said...

What a beautiful place!! Would love to go there!! Have a lovely and beautiful day!! xo Heather

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos!
And thanks for the geography lesson.
Do you say this by naming the letters?
or do you say the word "notl"?

Anonymous said...

It all looks gorgeous!

JipetSun said...

Your pictures are beautiful !

Unknown said...

Okay, that second shot? Awesome.

And I need a visit to N-O-T-L!! :)

Unknown said...

Lovely photos of NOTL. My most recent trip to the downtown area was two years ago with friends from work. Cute shops and fairly busy. We prefer the sidestreets with the lovely homes and the backroads home.

genie said...

Well, you have taught me something new tonight. I bet that older area is gorgeous reading your description. Your selection of pictures to share tonight are wonderful. The one of the window and the other of the barn are my favorites. Such beautiful captures. What a treat for my tired old eyes tonight. genie

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Lovely pictures! I especially like the picture of the reflection of the tree in the window!! Thank you! Cathy

Meri said...

Looks like a place I could be very happy just anticipating what I'll find around the next corner!

Deborah said...

beautiful post and photography!

deb duty said...

Thank you for the lingo lesson! Those pink blossoms are just stunning. And I love that barn too. Can't decide which I like more. I just know I very much enjoyed your post!!

Anne Payne said...

The barn photo definitely brings a sense of peace to my soul!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

great shots. love the quote. i really love the barn & fence shot. (:

Katherines Corner said...

NOTL I love learning new things. These are beautiful photos I love old barns too. xo Thank you for linking to the Thursday Favorite Things hop I hope you have a weekend filled with happy!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Beautiful photos. Love the reflection in the window! And old barns are my favorites.

Rose said...

Oh, YES! We love a good barn...and a good fence....and awesome name a few!

Mary Gene Atwood said...

That barn is wonderful!! Wine & bars. Great partners.

Melissa said...

Oh my...that old barn is absolutely gorgeous!!!

Liz said...

Absolutely beautiful images! I thought I had a couple of favourites... but then I scrolled down.