
Saturday, March 31, 2012

A streak

The wind was whistling and the snow...SNOW...was darting around me as I headed out to close up the coop last night. The chickens greeted me en route, ever hopeful for just one more treat. They haven't remembered that the last toss of scratch for the day happens when all good chickens have returned to the roost at night.

As I entered the coop I heard a sound. Could it be? Was that a peep I heard? I peered into momma hen's nesting box and looking up at me was one tiny chick!

One year to the day after losing my grandad, we increased our occupancy count at the old farmhouse by one.

He was Lawrence, but he preferred Laur, and so this little chick, as long as he or she remains discernible from the rest shall be Laurie...a name well suited to whichever sex this little one reveals itself to be.

I wondered to myself this morning, how long ago it was since an animal was born here. Quite some time, I imagine.

Here's to the end of that streak.

~Be well friends!~


TexWisGirl said...

and to the beginning of a new one...


Unknown said...

Congratulations to a new beginning at your rural farmhouse.

Denise at Autumn Sky said...

A very special day and a very special chick:-)

Deb said...

Oh how precious!

ain't for city gals said...

Yay for new life! far to you run for your race?

Lynne said...

An ultimate beginning again . . . precious . . .

Gail said...

The first born...royalty!

Snow??? We have the ac on!

Snooks said...

A precious little gift of new life. How very sweet.

@ 3Beeze Homestead

Michelle said...

So very wonderful!

Nancy said...

How special -- so happy for you! :)

Mary Ann said...

Congratulations! and how fitting!

Melissa said...

How wonderful! Congrats on the new little life in your life!

vintage grey said...

Congratulations!! So precious! xo Heather

Intentional Living Homestead said...

So cute!!!

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

What a sweet lucky you are (as well as he or she!) What a wonderful, spring beginning. -Mary

Buttons Thoughts said...

yeah for you. They are so darn cute and cuddly I love holding them. B

Dan said...

Another miracle of life. Superb!

Amy@BuffaloRoam said...

Precious. Congrats on the new little life! My husband has decided he wants to raise chickens... should be fun. :)

Amy@BuffaloRoam said...

Oh, and I just realized your chick and I have the same birthday! tee hee..

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

A special chick and one really special "chickie"! Too sweet! Now we get to watch Laurie grow up!
xo, misha