
Friday, January 6, 2012

{this moment}: New Year's Hike

I'm linking to Soulemama for a Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember.

To read all about our hike, visit Harvest Kitchen Sisters,
I'm visiting with them today!
~Happy Friday Friends!~


The Fairy's Apprentice said...

It seems to me that is very cold out there!
Hugs, I hope you'll have a fabulous year, Andrea!
Is funny with Soule Mama, because I didn't post the Friday Moment from a very long time :). It just came to me today!

Em said...

Awesome. This looks like a lovely winter wonderland. I could stand for just a little bit of snow here!

Sherrie said...

Great picture, so much to look at. Looks cold. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

trump said...

We should be getting some snow here soon, after it goes almost into the 50's for this weekend maybe. Some crazy weather is all i can say. Richard

Denise at Autumn Sky said...

Very nice photo, I can see why you chose it.

Melissa said...

Gorgeous photo! Thanks for sharing.

Here's our moment:

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

It looks so nice...bundled up together and enjoying the frosty weather! We had temperatures down to 18, then today it's supposed to be near 50...that's just wrong. Winter, in my opinion, should be from November through early March. But then, I love snow...and the fact it's a nice break from summertime chores! Best wishes for 2012...looking forward to reading about your adventures. -Mary

deb duty said...

Love the perspective. Almost makes me feel like I'm about to walk right along with you. Beautiful scene!

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

Beautiful start to a new year! And you got snow too :)


Vintage Girl/Marivel said...

awesome image !!!

have a wonderful day !!!

Farmgirl Chaos said...

I want cold and snow. Yesterday was up to 65 degrees in Iowa. NOT NORMAL! I know others are loving it, but I miss winter. And the peacefulness it brings. Great picture!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

great view. i love the pic/photo. (:

Unknown said...

What a breathtaking view you had for your hike. It's absolutely heart-stopping! Our snow has melted and not quite sure when we will see it again :( I wish we would get more.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Wait a minute...let me layer up and I'll join ya! Heeehehhe!

What a beautiful shot!

God bless and have a wonderful weekend sweeite!!! :o)

Saun said...

Gorgeous photo, I feel like I am right there walking.

Lisa ~Suburban Retreat~ said...

THAT looks like heaven on earth - walking the dog in utter peace and not having to dodge the traffic like I do daily.

Teresa said...

That is a beautiful scene! Lovely.

Unknown said...

How beautiful and peaceful looking!

My moment:

Gardener in the Distance said...

What a striking photo, Andrea!

Melissa said...

What a gorgeous shot! I'd want to walk that path, too! :-)

Here's my moment:

Rose said...

Oh, I so love this shot--wish I had taken it!