
Thursday, November 10, 2011

{this moment} - A visit with the kids down the road

I'm linking to Soulemama for a Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember.
~Happy Friday Friends!~

Joining up with:
the long road

PhotoStory Friday
Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

Farmchicks Farm Photo Friday


Lynne said...

Love the WHITE legs lined in a row and that scrumptious reach out and touch nose!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo of some real beauties!
YSM (Your Stalker/Mom)

Unknown said...

How gorgeous! I miss my horses :(

Dangerous Linda said...

very beautiful image! this one looks so soft i want to reach out and pet that sweet snout!

my moment is a little more suburban rambunctious:

tiarastantrums said...

my girls would go crazy over your horses!!

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

I like how it looks at the camera! It is posing for you!

Mary Hudak-Collins said...

What a beautiful scene. There is nothing more soothing that horses in a pasture on a brisk morning while drinking my coffee :) Thank you for sharing!

Ngo Family Farm said...

Oh how I love photos of horses! just beautiful. Thanks for sharing. --Jaime

Melissa said...

Just beautiful! I just want to reach out and touch them!!!

Here's my moment:

SarahinSC said...

So pretty. I see horses everyday while driving out of my neighborhood and want to stop and photograph them but there's absolutely no where to park with out being in danger of being hit. Guess I'll just enjoy shots like yours instead!

TexWisGirl said...

they're beautiful!

camp and cottage living said...

Very soulful photo indeed!

Val @ Mental Chew said...

Such beautiful neigggghbors. Sorry I couldn't help myself. I love how you captured them.

Here is my moment:

Anonymous said...

Love this too!

Anonymous said...

Definitely a moment to pause, savour & remember

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Andrea this is a great shot. B

Teresa said...

Beautiful! I love the composition.

Unknown said...

I LOVE this shot! the subject, the perspective, colours and textures! love it!

Unknown said...

Oh my, I would have to frame that one!

Pat said...

Oh, they're so beautiful! I love those big draft horses.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

A great equine moment! What an adorable family!!
Annie will be jealous :)
xo, misha

Harvest Kitchen Sisters said...

That picture is just unreal.


Andrea @ Frugally Sustainable said...

What a beautiful blog you have here! Wow! And this post is awesome. I think my subscribers would really enjoy reading this (and anything else you'd like to share for that matter). I would love for you to come link-up at Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways on Frugally Sustainable today. And, I really hope that you will put Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways on your list of carnivals to visit and link to each Wednesday! Here’s the link:

Andrea @ Frugally Sustainable
Here's the link: