
Friday, November 18, 2011

{this moment} - gardening

I'm linking to Soulemama for a Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember.
 ~Happy Friday Friends!~

Favorite Fridays at Skinned Knees

the long road

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

Farmchicks Farm Photo Friday


embracingitall said...

Love your 'girls'. Have a great weekend. Jacinta

Anonymous said...

FAB shot, chickens always make me smile! here's our moment:

Jana @ Collected Quotidian said...

Chicken love moments are the best! It takes talent and patience to capture such moments though- Congratulations!
My moment:

Mary Hudak-Collins said...

I have seen several 'farm animal' moments today. It makes me really homesick for our farm. I really miss that lifestyle at times :(

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

This photo is just beautiful and I love the colors. Great job!! Have a wonderful weekend and come by for a visit if you get the chance. : )

~ Wendy

One said...

Really love everything about this photo.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Andrea I do so love your chickens. Great shot. B

Anonymous said...

such a great picture!

Linda said...

love the colors and detail here!!

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

Love, love, LOVE the photo! Love the chicken, love the background.....just love the whole darn thing. :-)

Teresa said...

That is a great picture!

Melissa said...

Gotta give the ladies their camera time ;-)

Here's my moment:

Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

Great photo...I hope to get to know some of my new ladies thru my camera lens this week...I always love getting down to their level for a photo too.

Blessings Kelsie

heather at wordplayhouse® said...

You've captured her lovely feather details so beautifully. A simple, beautiful moment indeed.

Girl Tornado said...

Beautiful shot of your chickies Andrea! Your blog is gorgeous, love the header. Been far too long since I've visited. I sure miss my carefree bloggy days!!!!


Jenni said...

I so love chickens..would love some but we are in suburbia......sob!