Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Age Old Dilemma

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Question no more, for I have it all figured out.
The answer is neither. No chicken. No egg. 
What came first then, you ask?
The coop, I say. 
The coop.
And I'm still waiting for mine.

The Portuguese rooster, or "Galo de Barcelos," as is commonly known among the Portuguese people, is a symbol of honesty, integrity, trust and honor and also recognized as an unofficial symbol of the country. 

Don't forget, Harvest Week begins tomorrow!

 Go here for details.


~Bee well friends~


  1. Chicken...egg...chicken...egg...I don't know, but I sure do like the way you have treated this chicken.

  2. Oh I love that meaning thank you I would never have known that. B

  3. I like the colorful rooster and wait to see "The Coop!"

  4. Hmmmm.I didn't know that about the Portugal chicken...kind of like that meaning..might have to paint one of those on my little trailer. Glad to see you writing again...

  5. that is a VERY cool rooster! good luck on the coop!

  6. All the other roosters will be jealous of that fancy guy.

  7. Very clever...loved your take!!

  8. That's a good one Miss Smarty Pants!

  9. Do it my way...get the chicks first (having a teary-eyed girl holding, then naming, the littlest chick in the bunch helped a lot!)then the coop HAS to come! They outgrow boxes and troughs faster than you'd think, and the priority of the coop shoots to the top of the to-do list! Keep us posted! -Mary

  10. Was so cool to see this rooster in your photos today, Andrea. I received a postcard from Portugal last week with this very Rooster on it! I love it -- so colorful and thanks for sharing at SS 52 this week. :)

  11. Neat subject for the meme, great photos...and wonderful sense of humour!

  12. HA! That is so true!! And I waited many a year for my coop. But now it's here and my chickens are here and they are so perfectly sassy. :o) Here's hoping yours comes soon too!


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