
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The View from Here

As I waited for the male twin during his soccer practice tonight, I decided to break my routine.  I had the Artist's car, which has an all black interior; it was hot and humid and as I read my book, I could feel myself nodding off. I also had my camera with me, and as I gazed to my left I became fixated on a long gravel path that dipped out of sight while off in the distance I could see pink, lots of pink. So I packed up my troubles in my old kit bag and headed for the hills. It was refreshing, much, much cooler and as I reached the bottom of the path, this charming house smiled at me and said "cheese".
It reminds me of Green Gables, you know, the place where Anne Shirley and Lucy Maud stole our hearts. How I would love to sit by that window on a breezy afternoon with a good book or gaze at the stars above on a summer's eve. Lucy Maud eventually married, to a minister, with whom she moved to Ontario. And in the house next door to the manse, lived a young girl, eldest of four and eventual surrogate mother to the younger three after their mother died in childbirth. She was quite captivated by this famous lady next door. She would also become my grandmother and tell me stories of her childhood.
Isn't it lovely how many different scenes and memories can be played out, just within the space of a few feet?

Country soccer fields and a camera. The possibilities are endless.

 Linking to:
Outdoor Wednesday
Lovely Photo Wednesday
Wordish Wednesday 
Wordless Wednesday with Words 
Cottage Flora Thursday

~Bee well friends~


Tina said...

Beautiful!!! I love to explore down old roads. When I find an old house, I sit and wonder about all the memories that house holds and it makes me sad to see it withering away. Great photos! Thank you for sharing!

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Old houses and antiques make me wish they could tell their stories. This place is beatiful.

MJ said...

Wow what a beautiful story! I love your wanderings and all the beautiful treasures you capture!! And what a special experience for you and your grandmother!! Now I have to read the stories knowing your connection!! You live in such a special place...

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

The possibilities ARE endless. Beautiful!!

TexWisGirl said...

Andrea, these are beautiful!!! And what a neat spot of family history too!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Andrea you had my imagination going with this one. I love thoughts it stirred in my mind.Thank you for making my day. Beautiful photos great idea getting out of that car. B

V.L. Locey said...

Wow, you certainly captured my imagination. Nicely done!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the little journey down the back road and for the inspirational photos!

Deb said...

We must be kindred spirits. I thought of Anne's house too when I saw the first photo. Your work is beautiful.

Crunchy Diva said...

what beautiful photos. i too thought of Green Gables! Just lovely.

Boho Farm and Home said...

Love the photos and LOVE the story. We too are lovers of Avonlea and all things Anne.

Ms. Becky said...

you've spun a wonderful tale to accompany your photos. and the photos are dreamy. I love your imagination and what it produces. have a great day.

Lindsey said...

So beautiful!! These are just dreamy!


Cheryl said...

Beautiful photos....glad you set out on an adventure!

Melanie said...

Wow. These are so lovely!

Flat Creek Farm said...

Well, just beautiful!! Always loved Anne of Green Gables... and you have a connection. How wonderful is that? Thank you for sharing your little trip off the beaten path. That's most definitely where the treasures are to be found! -Tammy

Elena said...

Love your pics and the texture you used. They have a dreamy feel!

Alana Jo said...

I love the story and the photos are really beautiful. The texture works perfectly. The last is my fave though. Reminds me of a scene from a good book.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

They look like paintings!
Oh how I love Green Gables :) I think you, the Artist, and the Glimmer twins need to take a trip to Prince Edward Island. Then I could live vicariously through your tales and images....

Or maybe I could meet you there!
xo, misha

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

p.s. More stories of your Nana and her friend! please?

Dawn said...

These captures are so beautiful. I want to walk right into that yard and sit down. With a cordial;)

Sara said...

That first picture is absolutely gorgeous!

Nicole said...

fabulous captures! i love them!

One said...

Amazing views with amazing textures! I love your photos.

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

Andrea that first photo is my favorite to date! It looks like a fairy tale come true... and I love the story you wove into your pictures!!


PS good call to get out of the car :)

Sereina said...

How beautiful! I love all the flowers.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Andrea!
Beautiful photo's and I love this house. Yes I could picture myself sitting up there in that window day dreaming or watching the storms roll in. Well isn't that wonderful that your Grandmother was a neighbour to Lucy Maud Montgomery! I love the made for TV movie Anne Of Green day hubby and I will have to take a trip up to PEI and work our way back down following the beautiful foliage in the fall. Of course we'd have to take a look at Green Gables while were there ;) Thanks for sharing this with us and I love what you did with your photo's and textures! I think there's more than one ARTIST living in your home ;) Have a wonderful Thursday!
Maura :)

Gardener in the Distance said...

Lovely, atmospheric photos again, Andrea, and a nice connection for you. The story that goes with the images I like too - amazing what can evolve unplanned.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Andrea
I'm visiting from Cottage Floral and live in Ontario as well.
Lovely place you found on the hill and very pretty surrounded with the pink flowers.

Unknown said...

Andrea, (no need to publish this comment). The house photos and the barn in the other post are dreamy!!! Wow!! (The barn would make an awesome summer blog header). I'd love to share one of your photos on my Sunday Blessing this week and link back to you. Let me know if you'd be interested.

Unknown said...

{smile} My comment published anyway. No problem.

Anonymous said...

You sure found a wonderful place to photograph! WoW! =)

Anonymous said...

lovely scenario! you have great pictures!

via Supermom
Light Trigger

Elle Bee said...

Green gables--YES!! I just love that story of your grandmother. How utterly fantastic to have lived next door to Lucy Maud!

Fishtail Cottage said...

Exploring leads you to unexpected surprises! Gorgeous post. thanks for sharing over at Cottage Flora Thursday's garden party! xoox, tracie

Kathy said...

Beautiful photos and story! Love Anne of Green Gables - I can see how you were inspired and reminded of that wonderful story - I have been thinking of Anne and wanting to take a break and enjoy the movie! We live in the country and there's nothing else like it!

Ever Green Tree said...

You have beautifully captured so many frozen moments n thoughts n put them in words n pictures. Lovely!