Well, how was the first day of spring in your neck of the woods?
It was mostly cloudy and a little on the cool side, but there was a definitive scent in the air here today.
It smelled of spring growth but maybe it was just because
I was able to ditch my boots today. You never can tell!
As Callie and I went outside before dawn this morning to check out the moon,
we heard the sounds of spring as we listened to different animals in the bog across the road.
Of course, there is one other thing that I can always set my spring clock to.
My baby brother was born on the first day of spring.
And today he is forty!
Happy Birthday Little Brother.
Thanks for making me feel so old.
And of course, it just wouldn't be spring without our giveaway announcement.
I hope you all had fun browsing and carousing the Novica website.
I know I sure did.
Of course, there is one other thing that I can always set my spring clock to.
My baby brother was born on the first day of spring.
And today he is forty!
Happy Birthday Little Brother.
Thanks for making me feel so old.
And of course, it just wouldn't be spring without our giveaway announcement.
I hope you all had fun browsing and carousing the Novica website.
I know I sure did.
The Artist announces the winner in this short video.
I had to subcontract out for a videographer so please ignore the poor quality.
And yes, you really have to watch the video to see who won.
Because to just tell you wouldn't be as much fun!
~Happy Spring my Friends!~

That's AWESOME! Love the way you told us the winner:)) Well done:)
And in my neck of the woods...it's snowing. Happy Spring;)
We had 80 degrees!! At 10 PM it's still 75, and this time last week it was snowing and we woke up to 5 inches of snow!!!
I love your video. Now that I have a new flip video, I can do that. Well at least when I learn how to use it!
Cute announcement! You'll need to work on your "Oscar presenter" lighting for next time tho. :) Congrats to Tammy!
~Happy birthday to you spring brother
~still a spring chicken at forty!!LOL
~we had wonderful spring weather yesterday but it is now snowing in this corner of the USA
~happy monday to you
Happy spring to you!
We were a little chillier yesterday, but spring is trying really hard to make her appearance!
Congrats to the winner!! We had a lovely welcoming to spring this weekend, but we've gone past warm actually to hot. The moon was amazing though wasn't it, I love your shot of it :).
Congrats to the winner! Spring has a beautiful start here in MissouREE. I have a sunburn from Spring cleaning outside all day! We have Daffies and CH put out the Wine Time Chairs and Table under the Oaks!
Such a pretty moon photo, and thanks for your input on Photoshop! I'm trying to decide if my desire to dabble with the filters can outweigh my fear of the program! Oh, and I've heard it said, "It's sporty to be 40" they say it's the "new" 20. Yay!
We heard peepers this week, so spring is on its way...happy spring to you as well! -Mary
Congrats to the winner what a great idea for the draw. My mum's birthday is the same as your brother's.
WOO HOO!! I can't believe I won!! Thank you soooo much!! I just spent the weekend with my little brother too and haven't been on the computer until just now!!! Thank you thank you!!
Congrats, Tammy! You lucky duck :)
Happy Birthday, Rural Revival bro!!!!!
And Happy Spring~I think we all deserve it!
xo, misha
p.s. I do believe the Artist has found his calling :)
Oh...happy Spring and happy belated birthday to your brother!! We had decent weather yesterday but some snow today. Guess we'll have to wait a little while before we can do any gardening!!
Happy Spring Andrea! In my neck of the woods tis snowing. Congratulations to Tammy and Happy Birthday to your baby brother!
happy spring to you too! i wish i was 40 again!
have a super week! susan
So cute! Congratulations to Tammy, and Happy 40th to your brother.
What a lovely photo of your ELIGIBLE BACHELOR brother!
Happy Spring to all....although we are digging out from a huge dumping of snow here this morning!
Stalker Mom
Congrats to the winner, and happy (belated) 40th to your darling little bro ;) I adore the pic of the moon over the barn. Happy Spring!! -Tammy
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