I'll let you in on a little secret.
Shhh, it's just between you and me.
Sometimes when it's just the Artist and I kicking around the old farmhouse,
which isn't often, mind you;
the first thing we do is head for the city.
I know, it's hard to believe isn't it?
Do you still love me?
Maybe if I tell you why, you'll understand.
While the country offers just about everything we need to satisfy our souls.
Every once in a while we need to satisfy our stomachs, in a special way.
And our favourite place to do just that
is only in the city.
And there's nothing finer than a cold Indian beer or a mango lassi,
a belly full of scrumptious Indian food,
with this guy,
to make returning back to the old farmhouse, all the sweeter.
What's your favourite treat?
~Be well friends~

I do miss the food selections of the big city. When I lived in the Washington DC area a friend and I always met at an Indian place to eat and catch up. Such great food!
ooh. not a fan of the extra spicy cuisines. :)
but the artist is a very cute dinner mate! :)
I'm an ice cream nut -- so Dairy Queen is right up there. What? ;)
(Blogger ate my first post)
There are no indian place in our small town Of Jefferson City. My fav placae is LaBamba, of which I've blogged about way too many times. However, I almost have their Taco el Pastor down to a science now, so I won't be going there as often.
That's so sweet. Hmm....I love the homemade ice cream stands...I love the fresh fish and chips at Champlins when we go to Rhode Island....I love the real Mexican food at Panchos, about 25 minutes away.
Always great treats when we go!
I go to the big smoke to go to the movies...there is a cinema called the Nova which has wonderful films (you know the ones that don't always get wide release). It is in an italian part of town and there are many restaurants for fantastic pasta.
Aww Andrea that's totally forgivable ;) We head into the City to Chili's so I can have my BBQ ribs and spicy shrimp fix...oh and of course a Margarita (for me) too :) I've only had Indian food a couple of times and I loved it...that was in Canada...don't think my DH would like it much so doubt we'll go looking for a restaurant. Maybe if my sister comes out from England she and I will seek one out ;) Hope your week is a good one so far.
Maura :)
We usually frequent a small local restaurant. But for a real treat (always for my bday) is a local Chinese restaurant. Always sweet & sour chicken. I'm creature of habit. :-)
We usually frequent a small local restaurant. But this is Well organized.
http://wwwmysrilanka.blogspot.com if you have a time please follow my blog.
I love that you two get to spend time together! I think it is so important for a healthy relationship! Thanks for sharing such special pictures!
Yay! I could not pick a favorite treat. Bacon? Chocolate?
I LOVE this post! So sweet....and such a favorite food for me too:)
I have to say you are super lucky to have that dinner date:))
Awww this was such a sweet post!! I am right there with you with the Indian food--YUM!!! That's the one thing hubs and I lament about giving up when we leave "the city", the restaurants. We did get spoiled with that down here...And your hubs has such a sweet and kind face :) and so nice to let you take a photo. My hubs is far from that yet!!
What a darling post! My fav treat is getting to go to dinner with Mister Yodeling alone. I love my daughter, make no mistake, but those nights when its just he and I are real treats!
Uggggg, I am so not a fan of Indian Cuisine but it really looks like a fun 'date' night for the two of you!
Andrea I so understand the trip to the BIG CITY. We have to make that trip too. Usually it is all about FOOD. Jam Bong at Mandarin House! Chiles Rellenos at Mi Tolteca :) We have not given Indian a fair chance, we need to head to the BIGGER CITY for that. Sweet post. The Artist looks pleased with his trip to the BIG City!
A trip to the big city twice a year is enough for me! But, I would have ridden along with you and the Artist!!
He is a hottie :)
xo, misha
Looks like a fabulous place!
For me, if it's with my husband, it would have to be burgers... at a local restaurant that makes their own (not frozen) as well as "real" french fries. If I'm not with my husband, well it would be Mexican food from one of our, many, local restaurants. My husband's only "ethnic" food is pizza... pretty sad, huh?
Your secret is safe with me!! And no one can blame you! Delicious food and a very handsome companion to share it with. :o)
Looks great and such a handsome guy to share it with! My favorite treat is Thai food...yum!
I pretty much eat anything ethnic... And the bf, well he eats just about anything.
But our date nights usually involve sushi and sapporo... I'm not sure what it is about sushi, but I think I could eat it all day everyday.
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