Fall is encroaching, faster than you can bat your eyes at the pool guy. If you have a pool, that is. I have a pond and a blue heron. He appears to be quite a looker but he's so shy, it's hard to tell.
Don't get me wrong, I love everything about fall. From the way it waltzes in without so much as a knock at the door, knowing full well it's expected and welcome by those weary of an overripe summer, to the way it lingers around just in time for Christmas, most years.
And while the days this time of year are no longer hot and humid, they don't yet have that familiar fall smell, which means they're unpredictable. And it's that uncertainty that forces me to be fickle about when I do the laundry. After ruling out the days I must hightail it to the city to collect that overrated pay cheque, my options are pretty slim.
So on a fine morning such as today, when the sun is shining and a gentle breeze blows through the yard, the Artist and his faithful sidekick....
have decided to burn some brush.
If you pass someone on the street this week, whose clothes have a distinguishable odour of smoke about them, be sure to say hello.
It will be me.
~Be well friends~

I knew what was coming, Andrea, when you said that the Artist and his faithful companion decided to burn brush - yep - smoky smelling clothes. It kinda will give you the rememberance of a country feeling . . . maybe! LOL - smoky clothes are kind of a part of Autumn for when people burn leaves, just tell folks it's a new kind of back to the farm cologne. You gave me a good giggle with this post, thanks, I need that on this Saturday evening. Take care, from central KY.
Oh my, that sounds like something MY husband would do. Years ago, in our prior house where the lawn looked like a golf putting green, my husband put iron on our grass...I'm not sure what for... and I had a load of white clothes on the line. They all ended up with little rust spots! It did NOT wash out.
I do have to admit, there is nothing like the smell of wood smoke on a autumn day, but I wouldn't want to be wearing it to work.
It was such a beautiful day today. Sun was shining but the temperature was very tolerant, not the hot and sticky weather we've been experiencing. A welcome change indeed! Although I live in a fairly large city, we regularly enjoy the presence of a Blue Heron at a small pond in our neighbourhood. Many times while walking the dogs in the early a.m., I spot him standing stoically at the pond's edge, looking for breakfast. I'm never sure if he's successful b/c as soon as we approach - he takes flight. They're beautiful creatures. It was a perfect day to "burn some brush".
That seems to happen a lot around here too!
My hubby has done that to me, too. Beautiful day, clothes out on the line and he decided to burn stuff...
I love fall brush burning. Love it! The only thing that makes it better is that it is done on a Sunday afternoon and throw something good to eat on the grill for supper :)
Smoky smelling clothes always makes me think of bonfires at the beach. We used to have them every summer but it's been years.
That smell always makes me think of Fall.
I promise I'll say hello!
I have to admit that I love the smell of fall brush burning too, as long as I'm not in the line of smoke!! I'm loving this time of year. It goes by much too quickly, doesn't it, after waiting all the hot summer long?
*sniff* *sniff*
I love that smell! Yep, it reminds me of Autumn!
Maybe you could bottle it, and market it as the new scent of country & vintage living!
Every bee and horse farmer will want to spritz it behind their ears! And every retro housewife will want their laundry to have this scent!!
Eau de Rural Revival!
xo, misha
p.s. Cadence is doing great! He sends you a big smooch :)
Today was our first day of rain in a while, so now we too will be able to smell the smoke... The kids have been begging for a bonfire forever and I'm almost as eager. I love summer and I love fall but the on again, off again transition and wilting plants make me weary. I'm ready for smores n punkins. Happy Fall!
That brush burning was a dirty trick. The smell of Fall. And I hate it when the wind kicks up and blows the Summer dust. The dirt goes everywhere. Lucky for me that the wind doesn't blow very often. Rain will be welcome.
That's on our to-do list too...toss in last year's Christmas tree and it should be quite a blaze! I do love the smell of woodsmoke though...time for s'mores!
Oh, and I'm just noticing the Top Ag Blog Award logo (sorry if it's been there forever!) Yay, how exciting...what an honor, congrats!!
Ha... Sounds like something my hub would do! ;)
Ah, but that's the smell of fall....and I LOVE that!
Gotta love it!
Ha Ha..."they" just don't think!!
The brush did get burnt though.......
I love that you have a blue heron. I'd take that over a pool boy any day!
Such is country living. It never seems to fail, as I hang laundry in the morning sun the farmer from down the road decides it is a good day to spread manure on our fields. Ah, the good life.
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