Baby, it's hot outside!
So let's cool ourselves down with a cold glass of lemonade, shall we?
Served in this thrifted dispenser I picked up last week for just a few dollars.
I think it's rather cute and I rescued it from a certain fate at the landfill.
Now it's your turn, show us what you got please!
By the way, not only do I share the same middle name as my great grandmother we also have the same initials.
Our middle name?
Elizabeth was quick on the draw and guessed it!
1. Publish your Thrifty Thursday post.
2. Once it's published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Thrifty Thursday post so that your readers can find other great thrifty finds.
Voila! Fait Accompli! Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working and if you have any questions, feel free to give me a shout at
~Stay cool friends!~

Ha! I got it. Working in the nursing home was my inspiration, that and I have a niece and a niece-in-law named Sarah with an 'h'.
Oh, and that is one pretty, and useful dispenser. We can sure use icy lemonade in this heat :)
QUICK I need a glass of that cold lemonade!!!
Andrea - I love your lemonade dispenser - so cool! And the mortar and pestal I see in the backgroud of your photo is just like mine. OK - so I was wrong on your middle name being Sophia! Darn! But I do love the name Sarah - it is the name I chose for the first cat I got 16 yrs ago at the Humane Society, and she is still with me - albeit a little cranky in her old age. You've given me inspiration to make some lemonade. I only needed 1/2 lemon for a recipe, and ended buying a small bag of them, and I can only use so many lemons in iced tea. I'll have to make some lemonade tomorrow. Thanks for your post and sharing your thrifty find with us. Take care, from KY.
Andrea, that dispenser is lovely! I've been searching thrift stores for one of those for a while now, but so far, no luck. I won't buy a new one, so I'll just have to be patient...
Thank you also for the get well wishes. If you ever need the surgery yourself and you need someone to talk to, let me know.
I love that dispenser! And I hope you got it for a real bargain as well.
I love the lemonade dispenser, the lemonade looks yummy too!
Oooh, sorry I keep missing your thrifty parties. Your find is awesome. (I think I show my age by overusing that word!) I'd tried 2x to leave a comment on the last Canada Day post ( - my mistakes). Must remember the bingo game for farm parties... Hahaha Guess we'd need a cow as pony plops might not work? Goat nanny berries scatter... ;-)
That lemonade looks delightful -- especially as hot as it's been on hte prairie!
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