Don't y'all just love this old vintage sign? Sigh.
I've gone dodo for vintage.
Maybe because I am vintage. Sigh.
On an entirely different note, someone has a birthday today.
I just love the soft blue of that hand sewn quilt made by that young'uns great grandmother. Did you know they share the same middle name?
It begins with S.
Any guesses?
And no, it is not Stalker.
~Life is good friends, enjoy!~

Sadie or Sarah? I was a Nurse in a nursing home for several years, and being a great grandmother's name, those two jumped to mind.
Happy Birthday Andrea! I hope your day has been filled with all the people and things you hold most special.
... Susan? ...
Happy Birthday, Andrea. My great-grandmother's name was Sophia - so I'll choose that as my guess. Hope your day was wonderful. Take care, from KY.
I guess it wouldn't be fair for me to guess....seeing as I was part of the name-picking process....
Happy Birthday (a day late)S.P. "McGillacuddy".(I may not have that spelled quite right.)
Thanks for my new wallpaper photo!
Love, The Stalker
That sign is awesome. I'm thinking just a slight difference from Kathy--I'm going with Sophie since that's my daughter's name. :o)
Happy birthday, Andrea!! I hope you had a wonderful day filled with love.
Opps, I think I'm late for wishing you Happy Birthday....Happy Birthday Andrea! Hope you had a great day!
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