
Monday, May 31, 2010

Help! Another mystery...

 Last week I shared some photos of the twins I took while playing around with my camera.

I posted this one of the male twin, hiding behind a plant of some sort.

Tammy from Flat Creek Farm asked if I could tell her the name of this flower, but I could not.

So, I'm hoping you can help us out. 
Surely if we can figure out what these are for, we can name this flower.

I will say that we have discovered lots of native wildflowers around the farmhouse, including False Dragon's Head and Purple Coneflower. Of course, there may have been more but they all look like weeds to the Artist.

Enough said about that.


~Be well friends~


Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Andrea! looks familiar but I can't recall the name of it. Good luck..I'm sure someone will come up with the right name as there's lots of wonderful gardeners out there. I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Maura :)

Joan said...

I bet your stalker will know, Andrea! Ü

Cheryl said...

Very pretty, can't help.