I arrived home to an empty farmhouse after work today and I decided to take advantage of the few moments to myself before the busyness of the weekend was fully underway. I love the way the afternoon light shines into my little makeshift office, especially now that it's dappled by the leaves starting to unfurl on the maples outside; so I played around with my somewhat new camera and took some photos of a little collection I started last year. You see when I was around 16, I fell under
and I have a hankering for vintage editions of her books. Mary is an English author, who still resides in Edinburgh at the age of 93. She always writes of exotic locations around Europe full of mystery and intrigue and a dash of romance with a strong, independent leading lady. She also wrote a wonderful series about the legend of Merlin and King Author, which was great fodder for book reviews when I was in high school. Now that I have the bug for thrifting, I'm always keeping my eyes out for copies at thrift stores but they've proven to be a rather poor source. So far my finds have been at book sales.
Mine is a small collection, but that's just fine with me, I think the hunt is the fun part. That and, of course, reading them. I love the fine musty smell of a forty year old book; it takes me right back to my childhood. I swear they smelled just the same when they were new.
I found Madam, Will you talk? at a big book sale I stumbled across while traversing the back roads toward home last week. It was the only book there of which I didn't already own a copy.
Soon after I finished playing around with the camera, the twins arrived home, recounting that a certain wild and crazy putty tat had terrorized the farmhouse this very morning. It seems the catnip has also been growing a little wild and crazy and someone had a little treat of it this morning.
Touch not the Cat(nip), indeed.
Do you have a favourite author you like to collect?
~Be well friends~

Doesn't everyone love a mystery? Thanks for sharing your new author find. Have a great weekend! I hope you get some good reading time in along the way!
I just collect books..period! Old books with cool covers and neat themes.
I admit this, I am too chicken to read a mystery.
Yep, I am a big baby when it comes to anything scary!!!!
Remember, the cartoon Scooby Doo? Yeah, that scared me, and I was forbidden to watch it. I kept my mom up too many nights. I was sure Scooby was under my bed!
Hey-where is that email, slacker?!
xo, misha
I have not read anything by Mary Stewart. I'll have to see if I can find one of her books on one of our thrifting missions. The authors I like to collect are Ann Rice and Jodi Picoult, love their books.
I cannot pass up Rumer Godden (who no one has ever heard of).
I am going to check out your author. I love an English author who wrote 2 different series--Her nome du plume (sic?) is Miss Read and she wrote the FairAcre series and Thrush Green series. I love finding a "NEW" old book of hers.
I also love Agatha Christie's Miss Marples series.
Isn't it fun to rediscover a good book, dust it off and realize how much you still enjoy it?! I've just started re-reading the All Creatures Great and Small series by James Herriot...part of me wishes I'd have been a country vet in Yorkshire!
I have to agree with the author from Windy Meadows Farm, I've really enjoyed reading James Herriot...and taking out the DVD of the tv series from the library. As for collecting books...I'm addicted to books on quilting, knitting, sewing etc. I am trying to be more selective about my addiction to cookbooks though, since I am running out of room!
I loved her books about Merlin and read them years ago when my kids were babies. Thank you for reminding me about Mary Stewart! I'll have to reread those old friends.
OMG, I had to make a comment on this old post. I too have a collection of Mary Stewart mysteries. I would run and grab one right now to read, except they are buried in the loft cubbies until DH buids those bookshelves.
But I most definitely will have to get one (two, three, four) my next visit to the library!
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