This time last year, the old farmhouse had seen three or four snow days, where everything looked like this...
We've had very cold temperatures this week, including a few nights where the thermometer dipped below -20C. I worry about our wedding plantings, the lovely hydrangeas, the Rose of Sharon, the butterfly bush, all of the different and wonderful varieties of shrubs we received and planted around the old farm house. Without a good snow covering to provide a hearty insulation, we're keeping our fingers crossed that they will all survive this cold, dry winter. I checked on the back garden this week and the winter rye took well over the fall and it will amend the soil quite nicely for the coming year. The spring garlic is well protected with a layer of straw and a layer of pine boughs. I'm hoping the sight of its shoots come spring will provide inspiration to the Artist and I as we begin the labourious job of digging our second garden plot closer to the old farm house. Here's hoping it also comes to life and blooms just as well as the wedding plantings.

Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.
I have that thermometer! I know so very little about so much. I didn't realize you would need the snow as an insulation, I had never thought of that. I do love taking peak into the country. I hope your wedding plants are OK!
As cold as it may be.... its just gorgeous.
Good Morning Andrea, thanks for stopping by to say hello. Love reading your blog and your reasons why.. what a great idea! We've had more than enough snow cover, here the deer seem to be enjoying our fruit trees, spring garlic, and the like.
Hi; We could have given you some of our snow! You may want to consider wrapping some of your more fragile shrubs in burlap, especially the butterfly bush.
I saw a good idea to replace those thin plastic bags when shopping for veggies: make your own draw-string reusable and washable mesh bags from cotton mesh...(a good beginner's sewing project too!).
Mom (aka Stalker)
We are buried under snow here in NB. Two snow days this past week!
I'm a firm believer in snow in winter, and lots of it! From Thanksgiving through February would suit me just fine, but I know I'm in the minority. I just love building a crackling fire in the fireplace and enjoying that well-deserved rest from summer's busy gardening schedule. Lovely photos...thanks for sharing.
Hoping your wedding plantings fare well! And yes, isn't it weird that it is now February and we have had so little snow? Hubby has only had the snowblower out once at work, and that snow was pretty wet. My co-worker is betting for a pile of snow around Valentine's.
I would worry about those wedding plantings too. I remember ~ you received SO many REALLY nice plants! Hopefully all will be well. I'm worried about my hydrangeas. My new one had bloomed so profusely last year (I don't usually have that good fortune with my plants). We've had some awfully cold temps here this winter. Some w/ snow, some w/o.
Beautiful pictures you have! -Tammy
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