I received this awesome award from Dandy today. Please check her out if you're not familiar with her handiwork. I think she's really cool. I like her attitude on life and nobody can find the strangest but ever so tempting food combinations like she does; and she's a wields a mighty fine pen to boot.

From My Front Porch in the Mountains - Flower Patch Farmgirl - Crystal Jigsaw - My French Corner - Red Pine Mountain - Suzy's Vintage Attic - Blue Clear Sky - From House to Home - Neat & Tidy - Our Suburban Cottage
My other task, is to spill the beans regarding ten random things about moi. So here they are, in no particular order:
I fear snakes, real life, photos or even tv; it doesn't matter; no can do - I was a majorette when I was a kid; I still have my baton - I kissed a killer whale at Marineland in Niagara Falls, talk about salty! - When we were kids, I had a hamster named Thunder (he was loud) and my brother had a gerbil named Lightning (he was fast) - I like to wear my food, but only on my good clothes - I once played mini-golf with my brother and grandparents and had four hole in ones, I still carry around in my wallet the free pass I won - I'm not a morning person (read cranky in the morning), considering I'm at 5:30am on weekdays I really wish I was but not as much as my husband - When I was in my preteens, my parents bought an Intellivison for Christmas (I really wanted an Atari); I mastered the game it came with and I finished in second place at the Dr Pepper 'Lock and Chase' Championship held at a mall in a city near our town. I was so good my dad actually pulled me out of school early to go play. (I'm not owning up to this fact to my son until he's over 20.) - I love the drive-in, it was my favourite thing in the summer as a kid; I wish there were more still around - My parents took me to a Shaun Cassidy concert when I was nine. That was pretty cool!
I fear snakes, real life, photos or even tv; it doesn't matter; no can do - I was a majorette when I was a kid; I still have my baton - I kissed a killer whale at Marineland in Niagara Falls, talk about salty! - When we were kids, I had a hamster named Thunder (he was loud) and my brother had a gerbil named Lightning (he was fast) - I like to wear my food, but only on my good clothes - I once played mini-golf with my brother and grandparents and had four hole in ones, I still carry around in my wallet the free pass I won - I'm not a morning person (read cranky in the morning), considering I'm at 5:30am on weekdays I really wish I was but not as much as my husband - When I was in my preteens, my parents bought an Intellivison for Christmas (I really wanted an Atari); I mastered the game it came with and I finished in second place at the Dr Pepper 'Lock and Chase' Championship held at a mall in a city near our town. I was so good my dad actually pulled me out of school early to go play. (I'm not owning up to this fact to my son until he's over 20.) - I love the drive-in, it was my favourite thing in the summer as a kid; I wish there were more still around - My parents took me to a Shaun Cassidy concert when I was nine. That was pretty cool!
Interesting stuff! I'm way behind this week... still catching up :) Shaun Cassidy -- woo hoo! I must be a 'leetle' bit older than you as "my" man was David Cassidy :) -Tammy
Andrea, just wanted to let you know that you won the book giveaway on my blog--if you want to send my your info, I'll mail it out.
By the way, thank you for this award--I didn't even know about until I linked back to your blog. Mille mercis! May I mention it on my blog?
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