Isn't it amazing what a good night's sleep can do? Things are looking much better, perhaps the fact that I am now finished work for two plus weeks and I can directly aim my focus towards the wedding preparations is part of my renewed strength. Thank you to everyone for your support especially Tammy from Flat Creek Farm for sharing what she called her limited supply of energy with me as well; as she always reminds me, she's with me in spirit!
The wedding crashers arrived before we were up this morning. Just a reminder, that although they couldn't nest here this year, my hubby can't keep them away all the time. If you missed his experience with our local geese population you should read a little of this and that.
Things are looking up, like the main tent. The assemblers arrived ahead of schedule this morning but we were ready for them. My daughter, you can see her to the right in the photo wearing blue, watched intently to make sure they raised the tent properly. She's standing on the bridge by the way, that was supposed to be painted red and white, as we'll be painting our house red, one of these years. However, for the wedding, the bridge will be white, we kind of like it this way, my step-mom will be decorating it, of course, and it's certainly brighter than it was, so that's our story. In reality,we've just plain run out of time and it has taken my husband and his friend almost three entire days just to get it white. Everything happens for a reason!
My step-mom finished the place seating cards, here's a sample of the first ones she finished along with some old canning jars that belonged to my grandmother. I plan on filling them with flowers for the centerpieces. I had no idea she had these jars that belonged to my grandmother. My grandma and I were very, very close and it means more than I can say to be using something of hers for our special day.
And for another sneak peak, here's the photo I took to my hairstylist Suzie when I paid her a visit last night, after work. A little inspiration for my hair on Saturday.

Well, Andrea, you are welcome any ol' time to some of my limited supply of energy ;-) Especially during pre-wedding preps... nooooo problem!
Things are definitely lookin' up! This, to me, is the most perfect setting for a wedding. The beautiful white bridge and the corn! I love corn! And your precious grandma's canning jars. Absolutely perfect. And the hairstyle inspiration.. gorgeous.
Sounds like you're doing great! And remember, we'll all be there in spirit, and will anxiously await a full report :) -Tammy
You are so right Tammy. You and I will be seated together, to be in awe of this truely beautiful event! I acnnot wait. I do believe I see our names on those place cards :)
Now, what to wear?!
Everything will fall in place, just as it should. I just can't wait for the pics from "The Day".
Blessings to your entire family, Misha
Andrea, everything is looking so beautiful! I'm excited for you! You have such lovely taste--it's truly going to be a gorgeous wedding. That hairstyle is going to match your dress perfectly! (I haven't actually seen the whole dress, but just from everything you've said, I just know it's going to be perfect.)
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